
​Quzhou reclaims idle land

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-05-07

Quzhou in East China's Zhejiang province has reclaimed 107,000 mu (7,133.33 hectares) of idle land through village collective management and land transfers since last year, realizing a reclamation rate of 95.7 percent, according to local media reports.

The city has helped the village collectives and tens of thousands of farmers increase their incomes by more than 100 million yuan ($14.87 million) in total.

The cooperative of Shangpu village rented a total of 173 mu of idle land from residents to grow rice last year, harvesting 70,000 kilograms of crops.

The village still had a surplus of nearly 40,000 yuan in collective income after deducting expenses such as machinery leasing and labor costs.

The village collective management has created a number of temporary jobs for the residents, such as weeding, oil extraction, and rice milling. Over the past year, the average income of the six hired residents in the village has increased by 5,000 yuan, said Chai Jianwei, Party branch secretary of Chaichen village in Kecheng district, Quzhou.

In addition, Shangpu village has cooperated with Quzhou Golden Holiday Tourism Co Ltd to carry out agritainment projects. Over the past year, the two parties have brought tens of thousands of yuan in sales of agricultural and related products to locals.