
Quzhou city: Pathfinder for township, county integration

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-11-11


Quzhou's performance as a pathfinder for Zhejiang's township and county integration is lauded at a recent planning meeting in the city. [Photo/WeChat account: quzhoufb]

A meeting themed on "integration of townships and counties · overall planning for block-communities" was held on Nov 8-9 in Quzhou city, in East China's Zhejiang province.

Yuan Jiajun, Party secretary of Zhejiang, told the meeting that Quzhou's positive experiences in modern primary-level governance should be comprehensively examined and used as a model throughout the whole province.

Yuan added that Zhejiang should push forwards with its reform of integrating counties and townships and accelerate the roll-out of its "152 system". The "1" refers to the integrated intelligent public data platform; the "5" refers to five integrated applications; the "2" refers to the theoretical system and regulation system related to digital reforms – and the "141 system" refers to one center, four platforms and one community-grid.

Quzhou was selected in September as a pathfinding city for Zhejiang's "integration of township and county ·overall planning for block-regions ".

The city was recently identified as a model metropolis that is focusing on the integration of townships and counties under its administration.

In terms of coordination and integration, the local authorities in Quzhou are focusing on grassroots issues, aiming to improve the satisfaction and sense of happiness of both residents and local businesses.  

In addition, it's understood that the existing administrative relationships between counties and townships is being transformed into a clear list of rights and responsibilities, while the informal institutional relationship between counties and townships is being upgraded on a sounder basis.  

The city has collated an overall review list of 142 villages and towns' responsibilities, a list of 586 government services, as well as a list of 68 territorial management items, to promote the collaborative mechanisms between local counties and townships.


This rural community in Kaihua county, administered by Quzhou, is seen as a model for the process of the "integration of townships and counties · overall planning for block-communities." [Photo/IC]
