
Array of delicacies regale those at Quzhou during Spring Festival

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-02-18

Spiciness is the distinguishing feature of gastronomic delicacies in the city of Quzhou, in East China's Zhejiang province. Considering residents from other cities in Zhejiang eat light or sweet food, it makes for quite a culinary contrast.

Santou Yizhang

When people talk about the signature dishes of Quzhou, they refer to the integrated special dishes of Santou Yizhang (or "three heads and one foot") – made up of the heads of rabbit, duck and fish, with duck feet added for good measure. The Quzhou rabbit head is among the 10 most popular dishes in Zhejiang province. These are regarded as indispensable dishes in exclusive restaurants and food stalls.

The fragrances of the dishes waft from afar, so that everyone who comes to the city can't help but to tuck into them to satisfy their appetite for spicy food. The first bite always sweeps the diner along with its strong, pungent taste.


The integrated special dishes known as Santou Yizhang are regarded as being indispensable additions to the tables of Quzhou locals during Chinese traditional festivals. [Photo/WeChat account: zjfabu]

Longyou steamed sponge cake

Longyou steamed sponge cake is a specialty from Longyou county in Quzhou city. It is well known for its unique flavors and intricate production technique and is very popular as a holiday gift, because the pronunciation of "steamed sponge cake" sounds like "more blessings" in Chinese.

The cake originated in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and became a gastronomic tribute to the imperial court during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

政务微信截图_16136307356467.pngLongyou steamed sponge cakes taste sweet and soft and have a fragrant aroma.  [Photo/WeChat account: zjfabu] 

Kaihua Qingshui fish

The folks in Kaihua county, administered by Quzhou city, started cultivating Qingshui fish during the Ming Dynasty. The dish, also known as clean water fish, is an indispensable offering by Kaihua's local people when they entertain guests.

Dwelling in the high altitudes of the mountain regions, with the prevailing low temperatures, the Kaihua Qingshui fish has a slower growth rate. The meat tastes delicate and not greasy. If cooked with spring water, its fish soup will be milk white and full of delicious flavor. 


The cooked fish looks delicate and tastes fresh and tender. [Photo/WeChat account: zjfabu]