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City cartoon image - Grandpa Confucius

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2018-11-30


Grandpa Confucius is a Q-version cartoon image of Confucius released in 2016 that uses modern design concepts. It is the image ambassador of the culture of the southern branch of Confucius’s descendants in Quzhou, and has won wide recognition.

The bun of Grandpa Confucius is designed in the shape of a scroll of painting and calligraphy, symbolizing the extensiveness and profundity of Confucianism. Thick eyebrows cover the eyes, which are unique in cartoon images, representing the profound knowledge and the spirit of entering the society of Confucius. The heart-shaped beard indicates Confucius’s thought that every person can go to school and receive an education for as long as they want. The image is vivid and close to life. It uses grey and yellow to imply glory.